notice : long post ahead
and OMG my whole body hurts so bad right now. we went all out and crazy
it really brings the mood to welcome the new year, I loved it and hope you guys enjoyed yours!
take a look back at 2012's mainstream fashion.
some might gone terribly wrong, and some will definitely be a keep in next year's closet.
alert alert disclaimer disclaimer. I'm just passing my own opion. this is a free country pepo! lol
okay, let's go!
let the nasty critic begin.
// 1. The Collar //
nay / stay
everyone loves it! and there's endless tutorial on how you can DIY those pretty collars.
from studs to pearls to hand painted and metals.
I think it's gonna be a stay for me because they're too cute to say nay!
I think it's gonna be a stay for me because they're too cute to say nay!

// 2. The Geek //
nay / stay
omg. can this ever get any more mainstreamed?
just #topshop on instagram and you can see almost 70% of the pictures are this geek shirt.
I don't see it being "cool" and why on earth would someone label themselves as geeks?
it's the same thing as labeling yourselves as sluts or bitches!
definitely a nayyyyyyyyyy for me.

// 3. The Dipdye Hair //
nay / stay
haha, you've seen some, your mom seen some, your dad seen some and probably you're grandma's bored of it.
there's a time where almost all of your friends are doing it,
whether or not saving money for the saloon or DIY it yourselves, yup,
everyone's planning on what color to get and where to do it.
but honestly, if you're a sophisticated, elegant, classy, smart girl, who styles herself "beautifully",
I don't think this is the look for you my dear.
i won't say that someone who has dipdye(s) are beautiful, however they suit the tittle "daring" more.
i only say someone is beautiful when they look stunning.
imagine angelina jolie in a long deep V bare back leather dress, now that's beautiful.
can you imagine her with dipdyes?? no! her standard promptly gets flushed down the toilet!
dipdyes are definitely for those who are wild, young, brave, daring, and probably those who party alot.
// 4. The Grey //
nay / stay
what the hell just happened ? Did i read that?
Oh.My.God, I did, I DID just read that.....
honestly, this is a book either you love it, or hate it.
and honestly... it's not a book only about sex!
I find it so offensive when someones say you're reading porn, it's not!
I know there's a few pages talking about sex, and yes, quite a lot of weird things going on in the other series.
but! it's just like a more adult version of the book twilight. more details, more intimacy etc etc.
It's a fantasy for most women because the way the author describes the hero is so... fictional.
it's definitely something you can't find in real life and some women seek for that fantasy.
come on. twilight = 2 hot guys in deep worship after one ordinary girl = which girl doesn't want that?!
50 shades = the main character, 27 year old mysterious, hunky millionaire CEO of his own company,
knows how to fly a plane, speaks fluent foreign language after one girl...
and for a man who's in charge of such a huge company, he seems to spend little time working. lol
oh come on. that's why it's a top hit next to twilight.
sold over 40 million (grasp!) copies worldwide and overtaken Harry potter and Da Vincci Code,
if so many hate it, I wonder why is it still number one on amazon.
anddd. i'm going off topic, i can almost write a long post about 50 shades,
but this is definitely a STAY for me, because, I can't wait for the movie.
which I longgg hope that Ian somerhalder gets the part!! yes! his body and his looks.......

// 5. The Peplum //
nay / stay
Okay, back to topic *focus focus*
for me, it has NAAAY written on it in sooo many ways.
1) I don't think I can ever pull off this look because my hips are HUGE.
that's why I never, and don't ever want to own a peplum.
I'm not saying they're as huge as Kim's ones but they're close by.
And if you have hips that are as huge as hers and you're still wearing that peplum top/dress that you think is
"oh, so cute" [ kim's voice ] . then take a look at yourself.
take a look at the mirror. take a look at yourself wearing that peplum. and now take a look at me.
you disgrace fashion.
I honestly think that peplum tops/dress are specially designed for those who have a slender/petite body,
they're perfectly crafted for those with NEEDs. not for those who already have Shakira's hips and want to show off.
It just goes to the wrong and dark side the world you don't want to be in. lol
2) I always think that I looks like an ultra mini flare skirt attached to a top. haha.
// 6. The Fuckdown //
nay / stay
ladies... and gentleman ....
do I even need a word for this?!
I don't even need a proper picture of this and you know what it is already, don't you?
I just don't understand the waves of mainstream.
Just because G-Dragon wears it, and then a lot of fashion blogger follows and wears it.
doesn't mean everyone in the worlddd has to have it.
and the most RIDICULOUS part of all is the fonts... it's just a black / white HELVETICA font
printed on a plain shirt / beanie / cap, and you pay hundreds for it?!
absolutely ridiculous.
I know it's Helvetica because I wrote it and it looks exactly like the logo.
you just have to make the C, O, and the bowl of the "d" more circular. and that's it!!
// 6. The Fishtail //
nay / stay
call it Fishtail or asymmetrical, it's the same thing.
and I used to remember shopping malls were filled with oceans of fishtails everywhere!
that was during the start of january or feb 2012 when almost everyone bummed into the same skirt!
haha it's such a funny thing to watch.
I also own some of these fishtail skirts and they're kept deep inside my closet.
I hope that I don't have to see any of this pass 2012 skirts for 2013 anymore,
so NAY for me, goodbye fishtail! I'm selling you off!
// 7. The Studs //
nay / stay
hello! did I hear anyone saying NAY?!
it's definitely a stay for me cause my style has always have a punk or rock side to it.
I love it and I don't think it's never gonna change, it's a comfortable side for me,
and to change it is like asking me to change my hairstyle.
so people, don't get bored of me with studs, cause you'll definitely see more coming this 2013.
// 8. The Neon Era //
nay / stay
more like the LALA era to me.
remember a gazillion years ago people used to wear red shorts, match with yellow bag with a blue top?
yea, everything is just so striking and attention seeking.
but I think the Neon Era is less attention seeking than the LALA era.
at least! people start silenting it down by matching neon with black or One tone / earth color clothes.
but it's becoming too much for me and I hope people could find more ways to play with neon and not go overtheboard.
I can't wait to see what's in stored for fashion trends for 2013.
// 9. The Stachel //
nay / stay
from the neon era, also came the stachel bags.
famous for it's neon series which is covered widely in lookbook.
it's simple in design, modern and yet has a vintage feel to it.
I think that even guys can pull them off, ( just not the hot pink ones please).
// 10. The Taylor //
nay / stay
how ironic. I used to remember a lottt of people including ryan higa used to make fun of
taylor's quirkiness,
play safe, stay home like a good girl attitude, and those "a lot of people" includes me, haha!
listening to " I knew you were Trouble " while I type all these words out, I can't help but agree
2012 has been a big year for the successful country girl. I love how she changed from a
"Romeo and Juliet" girl into "We are never ever ever getting back together girl".
That's the success of show-biz, to see someone evolve.
always staying on the top 10 charts for either singles or albums.
I'm really proud of her that she totally changed my perspective that she was just a lil girl next door.
// 11. The Unicorn //
nay / stay
suddenly, in year 2012. everyone's obsess of this cute mystical creature.
suddenly everyone is hyped up about unicorns, and when ask, they'll say:
"oh but i'm different. I've alwayyyyss liked them".
haha, bullshit.
that's all for 2012's fashion flashback that I can think of now.
I can't wait to see what 2013 unfolds and excitement fills my heart when I think about it!
but aside from fashion, here's some serious shit.
for me, when I think about 2013, nothing but black and white fills me.
not confetti, not loud music, not glittery shimmers spread like pixie dust everywhere, no.
2013 is gonna be big for me, it's the year where I choose career or university.
it's the year where I have to make really big choices, and it's a dubious year filled with uncertainty.
I feel like I'm standing on a piece of string walking and I don't know if i'm gonna reach to the other side, or fall.
I feel lost and I hate this feeling of "uncontrol-ness" that I have on my future.
the start of 2012 was perfect because I had everything in control, I knew what I want to do,
and what I want to become.
But writing this on the 1st day of 2013, I'm lost, and out of words.
black and white really suits my current situation now
because it's up to me to fill the picture up with colors and decide which road I want to take.
Not letting the quote "let the road take me" be my motto.
your future is created with your own hands yourself.
not some stupid road or river to guide you.
Happy new years everyone!
wish me luck?
Tat was such a good post! Totally love your opinions and this was great although I think satchels easing on to the nay side now haha
not bad!
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Steven B.
omg you totally nailed it on the trends! love it!
love from San Francisco,
totally enjoy reading your 2012 fashion review!
collars and studs definitely a yes for 2013 <3 and yeah,im so anxious about my final examination and going to university this year..goodluck for both of us!
So nice!!!! I love it!!!!
gorgeous blog, how about following each other? :)
Haha, happy 2013! I liked neon and collars, although I dont see myself wearing collars to much this year. Neon will come back in the summer, I'm sure, as it often does. Well, I'm your newest GFC follower! Happy new year! <3
Enter my Fifth and Orient giveaway and check back everyday this week for ANOTHER new giveaway!
It´s really awesome this blog, love it! Happy new year!
Love this post, happy new year! xx
Love this post, happy new year! xx
Great post, happy new year! x
Amazing post! If you want go to my blog:)
Amazing post! If you want go to my blog:)
...I actually agree with everything you've said about this year's fashion.
Especially the peplums and fishtails and NEONS!!! Ugh, I hate them with a passion.
Hopefully we'll have some really nice trends this year.
Thanks for your input, it was a really enjoyable read :D Followed!
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