I had this really marvelous opportunity to be feature on one of my favorite site - friendlyfashion.my
please click on here if you don't know what i'm talking about :)
like i said in the previous previous previous post ! it was an amazing experience!
so here's the video i've been making. and i hope you guys all liked it
cause i difinately enjoyed myself very much
from making the denim vest to filming and to editing it myself.
gosh! lots of work to do i know!! haha! but overall it was reallly fun
I'm sure you guys can see that tru my bloopers, I had many many cut scenes.
I swear I'm not fit for the acting industry at ALL! lols.
so here's the video and the bloopers, I hope you guys enjoyed yourself
if you don't have any friday night activities, I hope I manage to entertained you a lil bit.
hehe! yea go on laugh on, lols.
ANNNNDDD one more good news!
Today's the final day where i announce who the lucky winner for my lucky Diva bangle!

drum rolls.......
i know it's chessy but waittt....
wait for it....
coming very soon...
so we have 20 people who commented....
some of the people comment more than 1 .....
but that doesnt counts....
the lucky winner is........

drum rolls.......
i know it's chessy but waittt....
wait for it....
coming very soon...
so we have 20 people who commented....
some of the people comment more than 1 .....
but that doesnt counts....
the lucky winner is........
everyone give a big clap to Natalynn
" hi Natalynnn, I left you a surrrprisee message on friendlyfashion
so you better watch out! a fun new Diva bangle is coming your way !
I hope you like it and congratulationsss mylove! "
And for those of you who didn't win, don't feel sad of left out !
I promise to have wayyy more giveaways in the future!
in fact,
i'm thinking of having a GIVEAWAY EVERY MONTH!
yes... every monthhhh
yes, I think i'm quiteeeee generous lols.
but whatever it is, it makes me happy, when you're happy :))
enjoy your friday nights everyone <3
thank you pika my love! you've definitely brighten up my day <3 thank you so much!
Nice pictures you have! :D And I like the diy dip dye! :D
thank you angeline ! <3
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